This shader is mainly destined to anybody in the need of a large scale water surface (like an ocean or a lake).
It was developped with these ideas in mind :
• be a valid shader for extremely large surfaces of calm water
• be fully URP-compatible (can be use on absolutely any platform)
• be jammers-friendly with a water surface working out of the box
Attention to users :
This shader is NOT a polished and professional version of a water shader.
It has flaws and you can't expect it to do everything. That's why it's free.
It can however be modified to this extent, provided you understand how the Shader Graph works.
The shader is provided AS IS, and you can edit it at will.
As with any free asset, please don't try to make profit by simply selling it back.
If you want to report bugs or absent features, please do.
But don't expect a free asset to be followed much.