DOCUMENTATION • FORUM • DISCORD • SUPPORT • UNITY ASSET STORE • TWITTERIMPORTANT NOTICEwe decided not to continue to develop Kinds (Pro) to put our efforts into other assets. We'll make it deprecated in a month. But we'll support you with critical issues in the Pro version. Thank you for loving Kinds. New Features in KINDS PRO 1.3Custom DrawersTags TabLayers TabBOOST GAME DEVELOPMENTIf you were like me, you’d be spending a lot of time exploring game objects. I tried a few assets to reduce wasted time but they didn’t help me. I had to set up something or pay constant attention to use them. I wanted a more automatic one and Kinds is the result.After much consideration, I found that grouping game objects by their component types was the most convenient method. In most cases, the reason you look for the game object is to access its component. So grouping by component type is natural and has less cognitive friction. Moreover, Kinds automatically regroups game objects whenever you load another scene. You don’t need to do anything!Why don’t you download Kinds and boost your game development? :)KEY FEATURES● Groups Objects by Component Type, Layer, and Tag● Support Custom Drawers● Selects and Frames Objects inside Kinds Window● Edits Properties of Multiple Objects inside Kinds Window (Even Non-Selected Objects!)● Custom Components, Layers, and Tags Supported (Pro Version)● Searches Objects● Locks Selected Objects● Customizable Property ColumnsCOMPATIBILITY● Tested with Unity 2018.4 to 2020.1MORE ASSETS● Kinds (Pro) - Fastest Explorer Ever● Remote Inspector (Pro) - Easy Remote Debugging● Shader HotSwap - Remote Shader Debugging● Compiling Indicator - Wait Relaxed● Which GIT Branch?● Which SVN Branch?COMMUNITYJoin us on our Discord server for and quick answers!