Unity UIElements Expansions is an asset series that extends Unity's UIElements.
This asset primarily adds the following features to the UnityEditor:
1.Form Functions
Provides functionality similar to HTML form tags.
Form tags surround interactive UXML such as TextField and EnumField
You can click SumbmitButton to retrieve the values of the enclosed fields.
It is also possible to initialize these fields using values already provided.
Initialization and retrieval are done with a callback function.
You are free to write a script to handle this.
Unity normally stores serialized data in scenes and scriptable objects.
This is useful when you want to store values in a local or remote database.
2.Additional fields and Form design
For more control,
Provides a new UXML tag, such as a slider that allows you to see numbers and a PopupField
that allows you to populate data items from within UXML.
Within the Form tag, it also provides a design closer to the more modern forms of the Web.
3.Upload Form
Provides an upload form that allows you to upload files both internally and externally.
For the upload itself, you need to create an upload process to your own server.
Select other files, filter files to upload, and sample uploaded files function.
4. UIElements Expansions Common Features
In addition to the above, common useful tags and functions are provided.
Please see the following page for details.
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