After some time using Unity, you might start to get annoyed with the fact that every single script you create looks the same. If you decide to take action you are likely to look all over the internet and your computer for the files Unity uses as a placeholder for new scripts, so you can modify them at your own will. Even then the possibilities are limited, since what you are most likely to do is just remove those annoying comments ("//Update is called every frame", am I right?), maybe add a method or two or change the usings, but not much else, and anyways the root of the problem is still there: Unity will always create the exact same script, even if it is the one you modified.
At first it may just look like a tiny annoyance you simple have to put up with, but later you might want make a custom editor, maybe an EditorWindow, and you will also probably use ScriptableObjects, which will most times make you go straight to the Documentation looking for the arguments in that CreateAssetMenu attribute.
This code you always have to write in order to create something specific is referred to as boilerplate code, and it will get increasingly annoying the more times you have write it; and this is where this asset comes in play, it comes with several templates that already contain this boilerplate code so you never have to write it again. You can save lots of time and stay on track developing your game, which is what Unity is all about. Don't lose your focus and stay inspired, let this tool speed up your workflow.
This asset comes with several built-in templates, which are:
-Standard Game Script : your good ol' MonoBehaviour,
-Custom Editor,
-Custom Script : this lets you set custom usings and inheritance for your new script.
-Custom Template : This is where you start in order to create your custom templates (more on this below)
Every template contains tooltips in its fields that will help you understand what everything is. There is also a Documentation included in the asset that will showcase the tool's features.
This tool also lets you create your own, deeply customizable templates that you can use through the same interface as the built-in templates. The included Documentation contains a step-by-step guide to create your first custom template, be sure to check it out!
The customization in the custom templates is done completely through code, which can be easy to learn while also containing infinite possibilities. It uses string replacement to replace dummies in code with anything you want; you can also set "optional" areas of code in your templates. Much more changes are to come in future releases.
Get Involved
As the main focus of this tool is to speed up the workflow of any unity user, we will be taking any suggestion you make in order to let this tool become greater with each update. You can help us change Unity for the better, with this and any other tools we develop!
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