Plugins are set of code that are used in the specific target platform. These codes can be called from your Unity so specific features of the desired platform can be used. It will help to access features on Android devices with in unity3d. These features are easy to use. It will make your application more interactive and compatible with android users. We hope our plugins will make your game be more productive. With our plugins, these following features will be easy to use.
- SQLite Utilities
SQLite Utilities consists of following functionalities:
1. Create table with multiple columns as much as developer wants, with lots of data types.
2. Insert data in the table.
3. Display data of table (get data by any column or get all data).
4. Update data of table (update data by any column).
5. Delete data of table (delete data by any column).
6. Display the number of rows in the table.
7. Display all tables in the database.
8. Display all data with their data types.
9. Display the table information.
10. Delete table.
11. Export table into the text file (either encrypted or simple).
12. Import text file into the table (either encrypted or simple).
- Fragment Lifecycle
There are methods that represent fragments lifecycle which are as follow onAttach(), onCreate(), onCreateView(), onActivityCreated(), onStart(), onResume(), onPause(), onStop(), onDestroyView(), onDestroy() and onDetach().
These methods are useful for games as it can allow developer to save data or state right before user opens another application; and retrieve data or set state when user comes back.
- Cryptography
Encrypt message with the key secret message.
Then decrypt that encrypted message with the same key secret message.
- File Utilities
File Utilities consists of following functionalities:
1. Create file and write any message on it
2. Read data from any file and get in String format.
3. Append data in the file.
4. Delete all data from the file.
5. Delete the file.
- Android Toast
Select the length of toast i.e. short or long and display the message in the form of toast.
- Android Dialog Box / Alert box
Display dialog box and it can also be customized like change its title, message, yes and no texts, and set functionality on pressing these buttons.
- Android Date and Time picker
Select date and time from android spinner and get data back in either DateTime or String format.
- Share Text and Share URL
Any message and URL can be shared on social media or it can send by e-mail or SMS.
- Cameras or Gallery
Take picture by using camera and save into application data; or it can also be taken from gallery. Then the path of image will be return in the form of call-back so it can be used in application.
- Share Image
A picture can be shared on any social media or it can send by e-mail or SMS.
- Screen Shot
Take screenshot and save into application data. Then the path of image will be return in the form of call-back so it can be used in application.
- Document Picker
Select any document from device storage then get the document name along with the path by call-back so it can be used in application.
Video Link:
Videos link below demonstrate how the plugins works:
Demo Video Link
Application link:
Example application helps to demonstrate how plugins work. Please download and install “eXtreme Plugin 2.0.apk” which is located in Google Drive Link below
Google Drive Link
Contact us:
For questions or suggestions or any feedback please contact us by email