• The asset has 6 models with standard PBR materials
- Purse
- Chewing gum
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Flash
- Paper
• Maps for Purse 2048x2048
- Albedo
- Roughness
- NormalMap
- HeightMap
- AmbientOcclusion
• Maps for Chewing gum 1024x1024
- Albedo
- Roughness
- NormalMap
• Maps for Pencil, Eraser, Flash, Paper
- Albedo 1024x1024
- Metallic 256x256
- Roughness 1024x1024
- NormalMap 1024x1024
• Tris
- Purse 136/78/22
- Chewing gum 66
- Pencil 56
- Eraser 12
- Flash 28
- Paper 38/16
• Vertex
- Purse 146/92/34
- Chewing gum 69
- Pencil 72
- Eraser 14
- Flash 48
- Paper 56/30
• Annotation
- Note the "Color Space" setting in your project. If the texture seems too dark or too light, and does not match the screenshots, I recommend you to understand this topic