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Seasonal Environments pack
Seasonal Environment Model which helps you to develop seasonal game for your player.
There are three seasonal models for you. Winter, Spring and Summer.
Here is the details of each model.
Winter landscape
- This model comprise of a home surrounded by pine trees and nearby there is a pond with a small bridge over it. And the whole area is covered in snow.
Spring Landscape
- This model is covered in lush green lawn. Comprise of a home and colourful trees around.
Summer Landscape
- This model comprise of sand, camel and cactus. Also there is a home with a nearby pond over which there is a bridge. It will make Deserted Environment.
Key Features
- Allow user to change color of grounds, animals, tree, pond, bridge etc. based on their requirements.
- Demo scene included
- All probes inside model are separated which allows user to hide or delete particular probe based on their requirements.
- Tree
- Bridge
- Home
- Pond
- Animals
- Road
Find out more packs:
Low Poly Ultimate Home Pack
Low Poly Ultimate Environment
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