This is a simple pack that consists of a set of 83 steampunk UIs for PC and Mobile games layouts. All images are in Full HD quality with PNG format and transparent background.
5 texts HUDs.
4 tabs HUDs.
1 life bar.
1 energy bar.
1 coin bar.
1 action bar.
4 mouse icons.
4 minimap HUD with Eng/PT Cardinal Points (with zoom in and zoom out buttons options).
1 Joystick HUD set (mobile).
4 calendar HUD.
4 calendar icons.
1 inventory HUD.
4 character HUD.
16 different gears.
12 GUIs buttons.
9 social icons.
1 slide bar with button for configs.
Exemples prefabs to show how you can use those UIs for PCs.