Flappy Friendz - iOS Realtime Multiplayer with GameCenter
Nathan Reeves
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Includes the full iOS game Flappy Friendz, a realtime online co-op version of Flappy Bird, if you die, you'll respawn on your friend.
This example project includes everything you need to get started with a realtime iOS multiplayer game. Take advantage of Apple's GameCenter servers included in your developer account to handle realtime multiplayer.
-GameCenter Realtime Multiplayer
-Matchmaking with GameCenter UI
-GameCenter Leaderboards and Achievements
-In App Purchases
-and more
Setting up the code is pretty simple:
Authenticate GameCenter player GameKit.Instance.authPlayer() Show Matchmaking View ControllerGameKit.Instance.findMatch() Send data to the other player GameKit.Instance.sendData(string data)
There are 7 callback events you can subscribe to, and a handful of functions in the GameKit class.