uPI(e) Menu offers an easy to use inspector where you can set up all the details of your radial menu plus a substential api which lets you set up and customize your menu exactly to your needs (even at runtime).
Works with Unity versions 5.X, 2017.X, 2018.X and 2019.X
FREE Version
this version contains full funcationality and adds a watermark. If you like this package just upgrade to the basic version here or get the PRO version here
Note: When upgrading from this version to the PRO version please read the upgrade guide BEFORE replacing the old uPIe version (link to documentation below)
[Web Demo]
[Full Documentation]
[Upgrade Guide]
Here are some of the core features, that make uPI(e) Menu unique:
* Lets you create a new menu in just a few clicks, without knowing how to code
* Supports controller and mouse (or any other kind of pointing device)
* Intuitive and user friendly inspector
* Integrates with Unitys classic Input Manager by default, but lets you use any 3rd party or custom input system smoothly and extremely easily
* Designed to work with the new Unity UI system
* Works with all canvas render modes:
screen space - overlay, screen space camera and world camera
* Highly generic: You want to make a menu, that consists of input fields instead of buttons? No problem! You can use any kind of selectable the new Unity UI system has to offer!
* Highly customizable: You don't want a full circle radial menu, but a semi circle menu? Or just 30° of the circle? You want a submenu and a sub-submenu? Done in just a few clicks!