ActionEditor is a powerfull visual scripting editor for building NCP AI and other game logic. ActionEditor is based on the the Behavior tree functionality that is widely used both in Indie and AAA game development.
Tool includes design canvas where you can build your own game logic and automatically attach it to the Unity project and scene. All the Action Configurations can be saved both to scene and to Prefabs.
Built in Event System makes it easy to trigger Actions across the scene, in your own or third party scripts. Global and local Variables can be used to evaluate states, do calculations or to interact with external scripts and data. You can also build your own Actions and Sensor by deriving from the Action base classes. ActionEditor run time and editor view lets you to Inscpect, Test and Edit the Behavior of your Game logic in real time. ActionEditor generates high performance code and final build will be stripped off any unnecessary editor code. ActionEditor comes with ever increasing amount or Actions and Sensors. We will continuously develop the tool to make game developers work easier, faster and more fun!