Requires the NGUI asset pre-installed in your project.
This asset is a stand-alone part of the NGUIToolbox asset, which also contains various shader effects, a particle system, many PlayMaker actions and a whole lot of other bonuses, all specifically made for NGUI. If you've already acquired NGUIAnimations, you can upgrade to the NGUIToolbox asset at a discount.
NGUIAnimations is an extension to the Next-Gen UI (NGUI) asset by Tasharen Entertainment which adds a feature-rich dedicated animation system that is easy to handle and compatible with UISprites, UI2DSprites and UITextures.
The primary focus lies in the UIAnimator window when using UISprites (recommended), which allows you to select multiple sprites of the same atlas and save them with an individual frame rate as an animation. This animation can then be referenced by any NGUIAnimations component attached to a UISprite component of that atlas, which makes it easy to quickly swap out animations and results in a completely centralized approach.
This animation system also packs a variety of special features that you'll find nowhere else and which let you adjust the animations to your individual requirements. This ranges from reorderable and combinable animations to wildcard support, initial frame offsets and predefined on-finish events like stopping, disabling or destroying the GameObject when the animation has finished.
UI2DSprites and UITexture components don't have their own animator window as they don't get stored in UIAtlases, but can be referenced directly in the reorderable list of the NGUIAnimations components and also support most of the special features.
Additionally, it also contains PlayMaker actions that allow you to manipulate your animation components at runtime without having to code that logic yourself, but the scripts themselves are also coder-friendly and provide enough helper functions to let you customize the behavior yourself.
You can check out the demo and documentation of the NGUIToolbox asset, as it also contains this asset, as well as a plethora of other functionalities and gives you good insight, into what this asset provides and features.
If you have any questions in regard to this asset, require assistance or want to provide valuable feedback, feel free to contact us directly via email.
This asset uses ReorderableList under the "MIT/X11" license;
see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.