PSFX is a family of materials and camera effects that emulates the look and feel of the bygone era of PlayStation 1 graphics. This is a great package for those who are looking to create retro PS1-styled games.
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PSFX Material family
The PSFX shader allows you to fully customize the look of your PSX-styled game. With options that emulate the classic graphical quirks of the hardware of yesteryear.
- 3 Lighting modes: Unlit, Diffuse, and Specular
- 3 Rendering modes: Opaque, Transparent, and Cutout
- Adjustable triangle culling mode
- Shininess and Glossiness sliders for Specular PSFX materials
- 2D Reflection mode
- 3D Reflection mode
- A stylistic 2D reflection mode great for stylizing glassy materials
- Reflection maps
- 3 Reflection blending modes: Multiply, Additive, Replace
Immersive PSX Experience
Let your players get immersed in your retro game by using PSFX's authentic distortion capabilities and camera post-rendering effects. Using the PSFX Camera you can emulate the retro experience of old gaming hardware.
- Adjustable and optional affine texture distortion
- Adjustable low-precision (shaky) vertices
- Adjustable low-precision camera position
- Color dithering and dithering strength
- Simulate small color palettes with adjustable Color Depth
- Resolution scale
- Camera letterboxing with aspect ratio adjustment
- Authentic Subtractive Fade slider
- Triangle distance culling
- Triangle near-plane clipping
- IS compatible with Deferred and Forward rendering modes
- IS compatible with DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and OpenGL rendering libraries
- NOT compatible with LWRP or HDRP
- MIGHT NOT work on certain mobile devices (PSFX Camera)