Coins, Crystals, Diamonds vector icons for IAP
Pirate Parrot
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This is a colorful and mobile-friendly currency pack for your in-game IAP. It contains 19 coin images, 34 crystals images, and 34 glitter crystals images. The pack has 87 images in total. All of the icons are sorted and belong to respected folder.
All icons are made in a vector in the following formats:
- 1024 x 1024 (.png) raster image
- 512 x 512 (.png) raster image
- 256 x 256 (.png) raster image
- The source vector file (.psd) is also included. If you need a different resolution or want to make any changes to them it will not be difficult.
Image Description:
- Three coin options in different positions (4 images in each) basic coin and coin with a crystal: Blue, Green or Pink
- A handful of coins (3 images)
- Coins inside items (4 images) Bag, Bucket, Barrel, Chest
- Crystals (4 Pictures) Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink
- A handful of crystals (10 images) Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Color
- Crystals in items (20 images) Bag, Bucket, Barrel, Chest with crystals of this color: Yellow, Blue, Green, Pink, Color
For crystals we also provide a glow option. If you are new to Photoshop, in the "Readme" file you will find detailed explanation on how to remove the shadow if you do not need it or how to adjust the color and intensity of the glow and stroke effect. I’ll clarify again, in the file I will show how to edit images in Photoshop, not in Unity!
The contents of this pack can be used within commercial projects.
If you have any requests for additional icons, think that something is missing, notice any issues or have any other questions, please let me know!
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