This pack contains Shogi tables, boards, pieces and piece stands. Also includes tatami and Japanese room tables for environments.
Model preview: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KaGKbr
Movie: https://youtu.be/euMq9vO2Rso
Shogi tables : 3different colors (brown, white, yellow), 3 sizes
Shogi boards : 3 different colors
Shogi pieces : 2 different colors
Shogi piece bag
Shogi piece stand : 3 sizes, 2 types
Tabletop shogi stand : 2 types
Tatami : 3 different colors (default, green, yellow)
Japanese room table
Japanese room chair
Japanese room
Room props - Ceiling Lighs, Spotlight, Shoji, Slide Door(Fusuma)
Hanging Scrol (Kakejiku)
Cushion (Zabuton)
Tables, and boards materials have two wood patterns (crown cut, quarter cut).
*Note: This pack supports Light Weight Render Pipeline (LWRP), and Standard Render Pipeline. When importing this package, please uncheck the folder which you won't use.
Post-processing is still under development, so depending on your version of unity, you may experience post-processing problems. In that case, you will need to reconfigure the post-processing to match your version of unity.
(version:2019.3-) LWRP has been renamed to UniversalRP. This asset only contains the LWRP settings file. Instead, please create a project with UniversalRP and apply the UniversalRP settings file in Assets>Settings to Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings.
Number of textures: 88
Texture Sizes: 1024*1024, 2048*2048, 4096*4096
Number of Materials: 77 (38 for LWRP, 39 for Standard RP)
Number of Prefabs: 84 (42 for LWRP, 42 for Standard RP)
Number of Meshes: 22
Vertex Counts: 24 - 5572
LoD: No