Scene List Tool is a utility tool for Unity3D, that is guaranteed to work for Unity
2017 or Above. The tool will provide you a list of all the scenes available in your
project, enabling you to easily go back and forth from one scene to another. As a
bonus, you will also have the ability to manage build settings and get some handy
shortcuts to navigate to some other unity editor windows.
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Scene List Tool requires Unity 2017 or Above at the moment. However, it might
work on older versions as well, which is not recommended. In that case, it might
also show some errors.
● Effortless Integration
● No 3rd Party Plugin Dependancy
● Project Changes are reflected immediately
● List of all scenes from project
● Star your mostly used scenes
● Locate/Delete Scene
● Load Scene as Single/Additive
● Add to the Build Settings
● Search Bar to search your scenes from the list
● Manage Build Settings directly
● Reorder Scenes of the Build Settings
● Add/Remove & Enable/Disable Scenes from the Build List
● Some Handy Shortcut buttons for Unity Editor Windows
● Proper Options to Contact Us
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In case the above information is not enough, feel free to contact us. We will
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