NavAI is a complete navigation artificial intelligence solution for Unity Engine that includes navmesh generation, pathfinding, collision avoidance and many more agent behaviors.
With NavAI you can get your navmesh generated with the click of a button and your agents moving using a simple SetDestination command. Of course all of this simplicity does not stop you from diving deep into all the available advanced settings and configurations to give you the perfect customized AI you desire.
Our algorithm will give you the very best in AI navigation and agent movement quality while maintaining a very low CPU and memory usage even when playing with a huge amount of agents and obstacles.
Core Features:
-Navmesh Generation
-Collision Avoidance
-Dynamic Navmesh Updates
-Runtime Async Navmesh Generation
-Advanced Collision Avoidance Behaviors
-Smooth Paths
-Best Possible Paths
-Supports Hundreds of Agents
-Source Code Available
And More! For a complete list of features visit our website. There is also a demo app in there you can download and try NavAI in action!
The package includes the source code, a folder containing multiple example scenes, and comprehensive documentation of all functions and variables available, as well as guides on getting started.