❗ This is the Lite version of No Such Localization. To use the advanced features and support the developer, get the Pro version.
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✨ Update 1.5 is out (June 1, 2021)
- Unity 2020 compatibility.
- conditional compilation based on included packages in the project (like newtonsoftjson, bidirectional horizontal layout, text mesh pro, etc.).
⚡ Complete Localization System for Unity
No Such Localization is designed with simplicity in mind. Use regular components to localize your game inside Unity Editor. It doesn't get easier than this.
- Supports language detection and saving.
- Supports locales.
- Fully WYSIWYG: Your changes take effect in Edit mode like the rest of Unity UI. No need to enter play mode to see the result of localization.
- Works with all Unity target platforms (Android, iOS, Windows/Mac/Linux, WebGL).
⚡ Many Localized UI Components Out of the Box
No Such Localization comes with a base collection of localizer components for images, audio sources, text mesh pro and more. You can start localizing your game by dragging and dropping these components!
⚡ Extensible Architecture
With No Such Localization's extensible architecture, you can write your own localized components quickly. Learn more here. (beginner C# programming required)
⚡ Seamless Unity UI and Editor Integration
No Such Localization has seamless integration in Unity. Work with pre-made localizer components, add the appropriate localizers from the context menu of other components. Never leave the environment you are familiar with.
⚡ Full Right-to-Left Language Support [Pro]
No Such Localization has first class support for RTL languages (Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, etc.).
It supports RTL layout of UI elements and automatically fixes Arabic characters.
⚡ Dynamic Variable Replacement [Pro]
No Such Localization lets you include {variables} in you translations. At runtime (and at edit time) it automatically replaces the variables with their current values.
This feature is very powerful and can be used outside the context of localization. Do you show the user score, hp, ammo, etc. in UI? Use the Variable Service from this package to update your UI when these values change.
⚡ Support for JSON and CSV files [Pro]
JSON and CSV files are supported and support for XML files is on the way. With No Such Localization's extensible architecture, you could add support for new file types on your own.
This can help with larger projects where multiple developers and translator have to work together. Translators can work independently and create the translation files outside of Unity.
⚡ Tutorials, Demo Scenes and Good Documentation
This package contains demo scenes and reusable prefabs to get you started. In addition I have made tutorial videos and articles to get you started as quickly as possible. Links at the top of the page.
Happy Localizing!