Short description
A highly configurable and customizable object pool that can be created at runtime.
Full description
Pool allows developers to reuse data instead of destroy and instancing it again
that reduses memory allocations and number of garbage collection calls.
A base features:
* Pool provides different ways to process important pool events (such as item creation, spawn, despawn, etc.):
---- Using callbacks: You can register your logic to provided callbacks to catch and process important pool events
---- Using provided interface as a base interface for pool item type
* Pool allows to preload items on it's initialization
* Pool allows to preload items on demand using provided methods
* Pool allows to limit it's capacity
* Pool allows to limit it's items lifetime
* [Editor] A pool's inspector view has a lot of tooltips to remind a purpose of each pool parameter
* [Editor, PlayMode] A pool's inspector view shows a lists of spawned and despawned items and a lifetime of each spawned item if it's limited
A Transform Pool features (in addition to base features):
* Transform Pool provides the additional way to process important pool events (such as item creation, spawn, despawn, etc.):
---- Using provided interface as a base interface for MonoBehaviours those are attached to pool item
* Transform Pool provides a different ways to create it's items:
---- In a separate scene
---- As a children of a provided parent transform
* Transform Pool can be created and setup by two ways:
---- Statically in Editor Mode
---- Dynamically in Play Mode
Another features:
* You can create your own pool with all base features deriving your pool type from a provided base pool type
* Source code is fully documented
* Package also contains:
---- A lot of simple examples those represents a base usage of pools
---- Top-down shooter example that represents a usage of pools in some gameplay
---- A Manual with full package description (also available by the link below)
---- An API document (also available by the link below)
Support e-mail: runtimepool.unity@krealit-team.com
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