A set of foliage and materials to populate strange and alien worlds. -- For more free additions to the pack, please leave a review with a description of the variations you would like added -- Each asset has a basic and HDRP version. The standard shader can be converted into whatever render pipeline you want to use, but the HDRP shader set comes with advanced options built-in. Things like wind, color adjustments, hue variation by location and more.This environment set was also built to work with most platforms, system specs and game types.The set includes:- 6 terrain materials- 17 trees- 12 bushes- 14 grasses/small plants- 14 rocks and stones- 2 extra tiling rock materials- 11 leaf and vine ground scatter decor- 5 ring device decor pieces- 2 "fruit" globsMost textures are 2048. Meshes all have 4 LODs and start in the following vert count ranges:5000-20000 for the trees100-1200 for smaller bushes and grass1000-8000 for propsHeight maps are also included, if you want to use parallax or tesselation on anything in here.