Simple blocks visualizing audio by increasing their y-scale and material color emission.
By default there are eight blocks listening to frequency bands of an audio source.
There is an audio peer instance calculating the necessary samples and bands to be used by many game objects.
— Content —
- AudioPeer prefab & C# script for calculating data from an AudioSource
- AudioSpectrum prefab & C# script creating 8 audio bumper
- AudioBumper prefab & C# script scaling and coloring to data by the AudioPeer
- AudioVisualizationScene for demonstration
— Requirements —
Audio file (eg. mp3) to be visualized.
— Usage —
Open the given scene and add an audio file to the existing AudioSourceand start the game. You can use the AudioPeer's GetFrequencyBand(int freqIndex) method to get a frequency band consisting of several audio samples
or the GetSample(int sampleIndex) method for a single sample.
All band values are normalized floats between 0 and 1. By default there are 512 samples that get devided into 8 frequency bands using their averages.
The values get buffered for a smoother experience.
The code is easy to adjust to be able to change the number of samples or bands.
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