Ease Transitions System (ETS) is a system and tool to easily Organize, Visualize, Test, and Apply easing transitions/tweens to component values.
ETS allows for time based transitions to singular properties in components (Position.X value in Transform).
Values are dynamically transitioned so that values will not snap and instead continue the transition from anywhere.
ETS has a ridiculously low overhead, only containing a single MonoBehaviour Update() to transition all set GameObjects.
View the source code and find out more on Github:https://github.com/Misteeps/Ease-Transitions-System
Visit the wiki for full usage and documentation:https://github.com/Misteeps/Ease-Transitions-System/wiki
ETS comes with a custom editor window that can be found under:[Tools/Ease Transitions Editor].
The custom editor window allows for:
- Organization of transitions with groups and objects
- Applying transitions quickly with ease (ba-dum tsss)
- Visualization and testing of one or more transitions simultaneously in the editor (without using the play button)
- Exporting to code easily by displaying template code
ETS can be implemented fully into your project via use of exporting templated code through the editor window. No need to write one single line of code on your own!
Even with the simple export to code feature, ETS can be customized and optimized extremely. View the Script Setup and Scripting API to find out how.
Warning : Unity has a new UI in 2019.3
The Editor Window UI is designed for version 2019.3
The Editor Window UI for versions 2019.2 and older is different and messy, but will still work