World Creator Shader
Splat map based mesh terrain shader used to match terrain made in World Creator 2.
Shader with similar properties as in World Creator to create a big landscape without worrying about texture size.
Use data exported from World Creator with decimated Low Poly data created in Zbrush
to create an optimized mesh that works in Mobile as well
Splat map - Generated from World Creator 2
3/4 Albedo/Smoothness textures
3/4 Normal textures
Similar to Unity Terrain textures.
Each texture has similar properties like World Creator 2
Tile Size -Size is different from World Creator 2
Normal Scale
Metallic - Same as World Creator 2
Smoothness - Same as World Creator 2
Brightness - Same as World Creator 2
Contrast - Same as World Creator 2
Mask Intensity – Increase the strength of Splat map if the edge of splat map doesn’t give the best value
SM Contrast – if you want to make Smoothness look shinier.
Note: Shader will be updated to match the World Creator version on each version of updates.
Shader Model: SM3.0
Tested with Galaxy S7