Quantum UI is a menu system designed for flexibility of user needs, with many useful features.
* Windows/Tab Groups - Open/Close individual windows or groups of tabbed windows
* Custom UI Components - Bars for progress bars, health bars, etc; Option Lists for a horizontal dropdown; and Switch Toggles for a toggle element that acts like a switch instead
* Many UI Prefabs - Main and Pause Menus, Confirm, Loading, Login, Pause, and Settings Windows, and many UI elements
* Default UI Art - The default UI art includes all the basic UI elements in white, blue, green, red, or dark coloring. Icons are only in white or dark coloring
* Easy Animation - Create animation presets for windows and other UI elements to use in the QUI_ElementAnimator
* Easy Audio Integration - Use the QUI_ElementAudio component to make it easy for UI sound effects from audio presets
* Easy Scene Transitions and Scene Loading - Use the QUI_SceneTransition component to create scene transitions and load a scene in 3 different ways: instantly, while showing a loading UI (such as the loading window), or while in a loading scene
Package Requirements:
* Text Mesh Pro
Documentation and Support:
* Full documentation and examples can be found at our website.
* Support for this asset can be found at our Github.