Please edit packaABOUT UIFABRICA:
UIFABRICA.com is part of STUDIO PUNCHEV LLC (punchev.com) - "The power of the custom interface design"
Our goal is to provide custom - high quality & affordable UI for the Indie development scene.
Our sets are carefully done and optimized for mobile projects.
The package includes
* 70+ custom made buttons.
* HUD (Portrait, MiniMap, Stats, Action Menu, Action Buttons)
* Settings
* Complete Level
* Options
* Most used components
* "Active" and "Normal" states
* BONUS:Custom Icon
All buttons and UI Elements can be customized by changing the main colors. Each element is carefully drawn by hand and ready for implementation.
+ Customizable colors - you can easily change the colors of the assets with the pre-added adjustment layers in the PSD file.
+ Button States - All button has normal & Over/Press states.
+ PNG exported assets - ready for use
+ All elements in one texture 2048px
+ Video: "how to change the colors and customize the UI"
https://youtu.be/798Y9D_J0SUge description