Math Parser is a scripting tools, for you to input raw math expression, and spray out answer during Run time. Or in editor mode, if you like.
Use Case
- If you want to change formula in c#, you need to rebuild your entire Apps, and its very annoying. With Math Parser, just write expression at cloud, or external file, and make update on the fly.
- For example, You are making a bullet hell game, and want to edit bullet path without recompilation code.
- You want your formula to be aligned with what is on online database
Input string, float out. That is how simple it is.
What is included:
Basic operation
+,-,/,*, (), Sin,cos, tan, arcsine, arccos, atan, sqrt, abs, floor, ceil, round, min, max, rand, atan2, pow, clamp, step, smoothstep, lerp, sign, E, PI
Ability to customize new math functions and variable.
Demo link : https://hsinpa.github.io/Math-Parser-Demo/