Make your sound waves by C# code from 0 to 20 000Hz! Visualize sound waves on the screen in real time! Cool Sound Generator is a software audio synthesizer for Unity. Using Sound Generator you will be able to create your own sounds and save them on disk. Type of waves: sine, triangle, saw, square, tangent. Also you can use it as the Morse key. Use special Sound-box-prefab for your app! You can use this package on computers and mobile devices /iOS and Android/.
This package contains the following:
- DemoScene1 - Software audio synthesizer;
- DemoScene2 - demo scene with Sound-box-prefabs;
- Fonts - fonts that are needed to work of this asset;
- Materials - materials that are needed to work of this asset;
- Pictures - pictures that are needed to work of this asset;
- Prefabs - Sound-box-prefab;
- Scripts - scripts that control of processing of creating and visualizing sound waves;
- Readme.txt and Readme.pdf -files of documentation to help you how you can use this asset
Watch the video to see how this asset works.
Work good for Unity 2017, 2018, 2019
Fully commented C# code.