An all-in-one solution for realistic mood-driven animal agent behaviour in Unity.
This package uses finite state machines to mimic animalistic actions depending on mood which is driven by vital and environmental factors.
-Multi-threaded for optimized performance
-Included pooling and spawner
-Three different agent behavior modes (Agressive,Passive,Defensive)
-Four different agent moods (Satisfied, Tired, Hungry, Hurt)
-Eight different agent behaviors (Idle,Rest,Eat,Wander,Flee,Chase,Attack,Dead)
-Hightly costumizable to fit every need
-Adjustable for every kind of animal
-Programmaticaly calculated waypoints
-Optional static and dynamic wandering behavior
-Supports Mechanim Animation System
-Easy Implementation
-Detailed Documentation (HERE)
For further support:
Unity Forum Thread
Twitter: @itsMilkid
Note: Models are not included!
Models used in Demo & Screenshots are from Elkansoft Wood Land Animals Asset Pack.