We all love the Unity 3D Capsule but what happens when they evolve?
They can evolve into people - Easy Primitive People.
Download these customizable, modular assets for free and use them in your prototype or finished game!
Prefabs included in this pack:
- Doctor
- Nurse
- Patient
- Cubicle
- Cop
- Robber
- Santa
- Knight
- Villager/Farmer
- Zombie
- Angel
- Devil
- Clouds
- Pilgrim
- Clown & props
- Soccer player, pitch and goals
- Cricket batsman, fielder, streaker and props
- Ghost, pumpkin & witch.
Also if you're interested in Easy Primitive Animals, here's a free sample!
- Pig
Accessories are also separate primitive objects so they can either be disabled or deleted to create new versions.
NOTE: The sports shirts use TextMeshPro for the text.
Check out my Easy Rope Bridge that also uses primitives and will save you so much time!