Easy Pooling PLUS is an easy and practical way to integrate a pooling system in your game. It has been designed to be very easy and fast to use, but complete and powerful as well.
The pooling is a development technique for improving performance and memory use when you need to spawn and reuse more copies of the same object. Creating and then destroying the same objects (for instance, dozens of bullets fired by a gun) is memory and efficiency consuming. The idea behind the pooling system is to generate a collection of all copies of the same object, keeping track of which is in use and which is unused. When the game will requests that object, the pooling system will get an unused object from the collection, instead of creating it. If it's not found, the pooling system will create a new object, keeping track of it.
Easy Pooling PLUS engine resides in a Unity ScriptableObject. The first thing to do is to create a new Pooler, right-clicking on the Project panel and navigating through TigerForge > Easy Pooling Plus menu.
A Pooler has a graphical interface that allows defining the list of objects you can spawn / reuse. It supports Prefabs and Audio Clips. For each item, you can define specific options.
Once a Pooler has been created and correctly configured, you can use it in your C# scripts. To set up a working Pooler you just need 3 steps:
1) create a public EasyPoolingPlus variable so as to link your Pooler to your Script;
2) use the Start() method to start the pooling system (for instance, in the default Start() function);
3) use GetPrefab() and GetAudioClip() to get Prefabs and Audio Clips from the pooling system.
That's all!
While Audio Clips are considered unused when they simply are not playing, Prefabs are considered unused in two possible situations:
1) when they are inactive (when setActive() method has been set to false);
2) when they are active and working, but placed outside the Camera view (in a specific Z coordinate).
You can choose one of those techniques for each Prefab listed in the Pooler. Now, you can manually destroy your Prefabs using setActive(false) for the n.1 option, or position() with the Z coordinate value for the n.2 option. However, Easy Pooling PLUS comes with EasyPoolingPlusSystem class that has a built-in Destroy() method that can "destroy" the Prefab according to the Pooler settings.
Easy Pooling PLUS comes with various methods to get useful information. It also has a Demo project to show how the pooling system works. There's also an html Manual where everything is explained in detail.
Easy Pooling PLUS is a replacement of the Easy Pooling plugin.
Easy Pooling PLUS Manual