"Just Flip" is an absolutely complete unity game project designed for mobile platforms. Of And also you can publish any other platform. Just Flip has 12 levels and a store, including 4 very cute characters, perfect for graduation design, coursework, etc.
how to use:
1. Run "just_flip\BH_L\_Scene\Page.scene"
2. Select a level
3. Click to flip forward.
1. Complete game project, can be used directly
2. Easy to modify, whether it is adding a level, adding a character, modifying the material, it is very easy to implement
3. Sound effects, UI, model, code, everything is complete
4. there is no complicated logic and encryption confusing code, so you can freely modify it
5. The models used in this game are all low-poly and can run smoothly on devices with low computing power.
6. Cheap price
download link
IOS store:
Google Play:
PS: If you have any problems during use, please contact me in time
website: https://connect.unity.com/u/5b335746880c642e4c6032d0/column
e-mail: sgzxzj13@163.com