4 Different color materials for wide skin, armor and 4 Different color materials for eye color customization included.Modular parts are done via Skinned Mesh Renderer. To switch between Modular parts or use parts separately, you can just check/uncheck Skin Mesh Renderer for mesh you want show/hide.
V2 Update:-Diffuse maps rework-Modular structure-Separate Material for eye-Several animation fixes PBR Stylized Material:
-8 Handpainted Diffuse Maps-2 Normal maps-2 Roughness maps Create your own style with:-4 Base skin colors-4 Eye colors-Modular Equipment ANIMATIONS LIST:-Idle-Idle01-Talk-Ready-Load-Hit-Walk-Run-Run01-Attack-Attack01-Jump_Start-Jump_Loop-Jump_End-SpellA-SpellB_Start-SpellB_Loop-SpellB_End-DeathTECHNICAL DETAILS:Rigged: YesAnimated: YesNumber of Modular parts: 6Number of Prefabs: 16 (8 with PC shader & 8 with Mobile shader)Character Vertex Count(Full set): 7,788Character Triangle Count(Full set): 12,904Projectile Vertex Count: 34Projectile Triangle Count: 40Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048,512x512Number of Textures: 12Number of Materials: 16 (8 with PC shader & 8 with Mobile shader)Number of Animations: 19