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Water Dynamics 2D is a two in one package featuring both advanced 2d water graphics featuring various effects and water physics with multiple simulation solutions and completely dynamic waves.
The water uses a highly customizable water shader featuring effects such as distortion by texture, color by height, visibility by depth (z-buffer), angled light rays, and a surface line. All of these are assisted with many options to suit a large number of styles for your game as well as documentation explaining every single one to make usage as easy as possible.
For an accurate simulation, use the Exact buoyancy method which involves a high-quality collider and water clipping procedure to calculate the exact point of buoyancy and area submerged. With this solution, physically accurate lift and drag forces will be calculated as well.
For a performant simulation, take advantage of the Circles Buoyancy method which runs about twice as fast using a series of circles defining buoyant points leaving complete control to the developer. Both solutions may be used together to prioritize specific buoyant bodies.
Forest Sprite Pack is not included in the package and must be purchased separately.