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This pack contains a shader that will help give your models a casual and stylized look. Even models and textures created for another pipeline can be used with this shader.
Styling is achieved using the following settings:
• Selecting the reflected, that is, diffuse, color, which allows replacing realistic black shading with casual pure colors
• Adding a stroke, the so-called rim light, with the ability to choose the color and strength of the bloom
• Color, width and intensity of specular
• Use of ambient occlusion color map, which, unlike the black and white version, creates “softer” and more casual shadows due to the color
• Selection of cast shadow tint color
• Mask map, which allows limiting the display area of glare and rim light. Thus, the part of the model will be displayed without glare, like a diffuse shader, and the other part will be displayed with the specular attribute with its characteristic attributes (the shader operation is considered in more detail and clearly here)
The shader is optimized for mobile and VR apps projects.
The shader supports lightmap baking.
Notice: In order to optimize performance, the shader works with only one directional light source. All other sources, regardless of their type, will not affect.
After importing the pack you'll find the shader in “Custom/StylizedToonyShader". Lowest version is Unity 5.6. You'll also find several demo models to show you some material created using the shader and compare with standard Unity shader.
The shader is compatible with standard post processing stack. Shader works with Unity standard fog from Lighting Settings as well.
Due to the specifics of the shader operation and the lack of a normal map, in order to get beautiful and even glare, you need to think carefully about building a model grid. It is through geometry that high-quality shading and glare are achieved.
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