Wave One is a complete package to help you get started with your game that needs any kind of enemy* spawning system. It has been developed with the main goal of being easly customizable and extensible.
- WaveManager that saves you from having to make references to every component and just makes your life easier.
- WaveConfigurator helps you prevent making mistakes when adding components and shows you all your options.
- StartPoints to set up locations/areas for your enemies to spawn in.
- StartPointPickers to indicate in what order your StartPoints are chosen.
- Spawners which allow you to set up enemies for each wave, make them as complex as you wish.
- SpawnerPickers to indicate in what order the enemies for each wave are chosen.
- EndPoints if you are using the Unity NavMesh system to quickly set up end points for specific enemies and enemies without end points.
- Formation to spawn enemy units in a certain formation.
This project is fully open-source so everything is available to you on GitHub if you need it. In the assets there is a PDF containing the user manual. However, there is also a GitHub wiki containing the user manual and scripting reference which goes deeper into the workings of the asset and how to extend it.
GitHub | Wiki
* The tool has been developed for enemy spawning but in theory you should be able to use this to spawn friendly units as well.