New with v1.2!! Added support for Play Mode (beta). Integrate Lemonity in your projects by just adding a script to your camera. This feature is still under development
Lemonity is an editor extension for Unity that lets you navigate around the scene making gestures with your bare hands. A Leap Motion device is required for hand tracking.
It works in Edit and Play modes, providing a natural interface to move the scene. Increase your productivity navigating with one hand while performing actions with the other. Take a look from the sky or enjoy driving around the roads easily.
Operation modes - Grab: Move and rotate the scene with one or two hands. - Orbit: Rotate and zoom around the selected object. - Fly: Move freely around the scene and enjoy the views. - Hover: Move freely near the ground like a hovercraft.
Features - Adjustable sensitivity of position/rotation. - Adjustable angle limit of the camera. - Absolute (Grab, Orbit) and Relative (Fly, Hover) motions. - Configurable inertia. - Center view on selected object with just one gesture (Orbit mode). - Align view to axis with one gesture (Orbit mode). - Filtered tracking for smooth operations. - Involuntary gestures heuristic (Beta).
Installation for LeapMotion v4 - (Windows) - Make sure LeapMotion Orion V4 service is installed. Download it for free here: https://developer.leapmotion.com/setup/desktop - Import Lemonity package - Lemonity includes LeapMotion Unity Core Assets 4.4.0. If this package is already present in your project, remove folder Assets/Lemonity/LeapMotion.
Installation for Legacy LeapMotion v2 (Windows, Mac, Linux) - Make sure LeapMotion V2 service is installed. Download it for free here:https://developer.leapmotion.com/setup/desktop - Import Lemonity package - Remove folder Assets/Lemonity/LeapMotion as this version is not compatible with V2 service - Add LeapMotion Core Assets 2.3.1 if its not in your project already. Download it from: https://github.com/leapmotion/LeapMotionCoreAssets/releases/tag/v2.3.1 - Go to Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings > Configuration > Scripting Define Symbols and add LEAP_LEGACY Quick Start - Open Lemonity Options window using Unity menu: Window > Lemonity Options. - Save the project and restart Unity in order to load the DLL.
More Information Oficial website. User manual with instructional videos. Forum thread