Rhett Cosmo is a mecanim-ready sci-fi character and he's ready for any of your stylized, toonish projects.This package was deployed using Built-In. Demo scene lighting may need to be adjusted for clarity if using HDRP. Materials can be updated by the Unity Editor in URP or HDRP (Edit > Rendering).NOTE: This version does not contain any animations, but the rig has been tested with several asset store animation packages, character controllers and Mixamo.Rhett is a stylized character with a sci-fi look. His skin and hair are painted by hand, while her clothing and accessory surfaces are comprised of dirty leathers, vinyls and scuffed metals. He is a game-ready, rigged character full of features: facial expression/lip-sync blendshapes, rigged hair for use with physics assets, and a selection of textures and styles to customize to your preference.This asset is updated regularly, but you will always maintain access to previous versions via www.stellargameassets.com!FEATURESTextures are 2048x2048 and include diffuse, normal, metallic, and AO. Most styles also include roughness maps for your use in other render pipelines or with custom shaders.Basic blendshapes (blink, smile, sad, angry, shock, smirk, and lipsync-compatible phomenes)Four hair colors (black, blond, brown, silver)Eight eye colorsSix clothing colorsThree skin styles (basic, goth, injured)POLYGON COUNT: 16K tris.