13 River rocks, 19 river plants & 5 trunks to be used in rivers and mountains scenes, made with photogrammetry. VR Ready.
For more information, contact:
email: dujovnyalvaro@gmail.com
nstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unimodels3d/
Technical Information:
SM_RiverRock_001: 3618
SM_RiverRock_002: 6579
SM_RiverRock_003: 5742
SM_RiverRock_004: 4512
SM_RiverRock_005: 5646
SM_RiverRock_006: 11525
SM_RiverRock_007: 6041
SM_RiverRock_008: 7063
SM_RiverRock_009: 6906
SM_RiverRock_010: 2556
SM_RiverRock_011: 2969
SM_RiverRock_012: 4575
SM_RiverRock_013: 2328
SM_FlatPlant_001: 4
SM_FlatPlant_002: 4
SM_FlatPlant_003: 4
SM_FlatPlant_004: 4
SM_RiverPlant_001: 624
SM_RiverPlant_002: 1088
SM_RiverPlant_003: 7200
SM_RiverPlant_003_A: 1050
SM_RiverPlant_003_B: 2550
SM_RiverPlant_004: 415
SM_RiverPlant_005: 2176
SM_RiverPlant_006: 669
SM_RiverPlant_007: 58
SM_RiverPlant_008: 4735
SM_RiverPlant_009: 96
SM_RiverPlant_010: 96
SM_RiverPlant_011: 12852
SM_RiverPlant_012: 5127
SM_RiverPlant_013: 4211
Scandinavian design
Ready for real-time animation and virtual tours
VR ready (HTC Vive Tested)
PBR materials.
Texture Sizes:
PC: 512 to 4096
Collision: automatically generated
LODs: Yes
Number of Meshes: 37
Number of Prefabs: 36
Masters and 33 Material
Number of Textures: 78
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms PC