Sometimes you just want to run a simple animation from code, without all the overhead... adding multiple components to your game object, managing a timeline with key frames, transitions, etc.
Something like button.Go().Scale(1.25f, 0.5f, Ease.Bounce.Out) would be great. Done. Now all your buttons animate with a satisfying little bounce whenever a user clicks on them.
This type of animation, that doesn't involve full-blown timeline and key frame management, is sometimes called "tweening".
It would be nice to be able to animate anything in Unity like that, with just a line or two of C#. UI elements, shader variables, colors, camera or light properties. Anything.
Or, maybe you'd just like to organize more complex animation sequences in code, without a lot of setup in the editor. These might involve nested chains of animations triggered by state changes, with sophisticated easing algorithms. Of course, you also want to be able to transition smoothly between animations when moving from one state to another. That means you need to be able to interrupt in-progress animations gracefully.
Mezzanine Tweens is a simple, but powerful, programmatic animation library for Unity, that enables these kinds of scenarios for you.
The library uses C# extension methods to add this functionality to all your game objects automatically. So, you can call myGameObject.Go() on any object, then simply follow the easy to use method-chaining syntax, and let the code completion features of your dev environment do the rest.
There are built-in methods for animating the position, rotation, and scale of any object in your game, including UI elements.
A collection of elegant easing algorithms apply natural acceleration and deceleration to your animations.
The library includes facilities for nesting and chaining animations, interrupting animations, and monitoring the progress of animations.
In addition, features are including to enable the easy animation of any collection of numeric values in your game. So, you can animate everything from shader variables to data attributes.
And, if you want to use the editor to set up and organize your animations, no problem. The package includes straight-forward editor tools that allow you to attach animation groups to your game objects in the hierarchy panel and modify corresponding values in the inspector. You can preview animations right in the editor, without the need to compile and run your game. You can nest animation groups and trigger groups of animations in response to events, right in the editor. All without a single line of code. The editor tools will even generate code for you, so you can test animations visually in real-time, then just paste the code into your C#, if you prefer to work in code.
Mezzanine Tweens, like all Mezzanine products, is open source. It's comprised of simple, well-organized and documented code. So, you can customize it any way you like to meet your needs.
While Mezzanine Tweens was developed for and tested with Unity, it can be used in any C# project, and holds no external dependencies.