Simple SplashScreen it's simple (:3)
Put the prefabs in your scene.
It will load the scene and display a suite of GameObject created by you as a splash screen.
You can preview your splash screen in the editor without playing. (Time saving)
User can skip splash as you want.
You can do a fade to the next scene.
It's very simple and easy to manage!
More Info:
You have 2 example scenes for more understanding, do not hesitate to take a look.
You have 2 prefabs:
-Manager (Your Splash Screens)
-FadeOut (It's a magical prefab put on your next scene so that your splash screen fades to the next scene!)
How the managers work ?
Your splash screen is just a simple GameObject that you can customize without limit, (with unity tools, or yours, or those of others).
The splash screens scroll with either:
-A length.
-An animation.
-A signal. (C# script)
During the scrolling your scene already loads and waits for the end to activate.
You can even just activate a script, for example, which loads the scene last, or a very special splash.
So the manager is the tool that allows you to create and display splash screens.