Animated 3D model for games, applications and educational presentations, etc.Package does not contain scripts and animation controllers, except simple animator controller for demoscene.LODs and High Resolution model for cinematics scenes 50 092 tris 27 618 vertsRoot boneAnimations with RootMotion and InPlacePBRUV-layout mirrored, LODs have 2 UV channelshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCtnlfSYtlkIvv6FQRu7Ng/videosNumber of Textures: 6Texture sizes and types: 4096x4096 Albedo PNG (3 colors), Normal, Metallic TGA (Alpha smoothness), Ambient Occlusion PNGPolygon count of Brachiosaurus:HighResolution model 27 618 verts 50 092 trisLOD0 - 11954 tris 6204 vertsLOD1 - 3212 tris 1620 verts(Separate LOD's models included)Prefabs 12Rigged: YesNumber of Animations: 64 including additive animations and head posesAnimations - Walk, Walk Back, Walk Left, Walk Right, TurnLeft, Turn Right, Run, Idle, Roar1, Roar2, IdleBreak, Eat1, Eat2, Eat on hind legs, Drink,Leg Attack, Neck Attack, Tail Attack, Additive Neck Attack, Additive Tail Attack, Two Legs Attack,Hit, Lie Down, Sleep, Wake Up, Falling Left, Falling Right,Idle Lower head down, Idle HeadRight, Idle HeadLeftWalk in place, Run in place, Walk Back in place, Walk Left in place, Walk Right in place, TurnLeft in place, Turn Right in placeSwim-Forward,Left,Right/InPlace, SwimStun9 additive poses PoseHead_Down, PoseHead_Left, PoseHead_LeftDown, PoseHead_LeftUp, PoseHead_Right, PoseHead_RightDown, PoseHead_RightUp, PoseHead_Straight, PoseHead_UpAnimation types: Root Motion/In-placeNumber of Materials: 3 Material PBR