This asset lets you easily add in a modular GameOptions/Settings window into your game. Options are automatically loaded and saved from/to an INI File using their game object names. Complete options menus and simple menu prefabs, main menu prefab included.
Core and example options have already been coded & included: Unity Project Quality, Model/LOD Quality, Texture Quality, Global Quality, Screen Resolution, Windowed/Full Screen, Post Processing (Motion Blur, Bloom, VSync, Vignette, Ambient Occlusion, Depth of Field, SSR, Auto Exposure, Chromatic Aberration and Gamma).
Audio Volume controls (global/music/sfx/combat/footsteps/reverb/bass boost/voice) using an example AudioMixer.
Other options already included: Input Keys for sprint/roll/jump/inventory/melee combat/shooter combat for Invector.
Currently this asset does not support PS4 Inputs.
Includes: Example Music Player, Example AudioMixer Setup, Example PostProcessing.
PSD’s are included.
Works with: LWRP/URP, Standard & HDRP.
Works with: PostProcessing V2 & HDRP PostProcessing.
Works with:
Invector 2.0-2.5.X Melee & Shooter
VegetationStudio Standard & Pro
Dissonance Voice Chat
Nature Renderer (Personal & Studio)
CTS (Complete Terrain Shader)
Ootii's Easy Input (Allowing xbox Controller support)
These assets are not included.
Works with VR using the Curved UI asset.
Works with 2019.2.8 and up (including 2020), does not work for 2018 and lower.
Discord Server