10 high quality Chairs and 10 tables for real time rendering videos and virtual reality presentations.
For more information, contact:
email: dujovnyalvaro@gmail.com
Technical Information:
SM_Chair_001: 1743
SM_Chair_002: 1668
SM_Chair_003: 2946
SM_Chair_004: 576
SM_Chair_005: 2958
SM_Chair_006: 7841
SM_Chair_007: 1655
SM_Chair_008: 1769
SM_Chair_009: 4714
SM_Chair_010: 1470
SM_Table_001_a: 1442
SM_Table_001_b: 1422
SM_Table_002: 1070
SM_Table_003: 1782
SM_Table_004: 834
SM_Table_005: 2082
SM_Table_006: 1034
SM_Table_007: 1634
SM_Table_008: 1634
SM_Table_009: 3678
SM_Table_010: 4258
Modern design
Scandinavian design
Texture Size: 512 to 2048
Collision: Box collision
Vertex Count: 500 to 8000
LODs: No
Number of Meshes: 21
Supported Development Platforms: PC/Virtual Reality (HTC Vive tested)
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC/Mac/Xbox/PlayStation
Documentation: No