The Hierarchy-based Dependency Injection utility for Unity game engine. Intuitivly manage dependencies of your MonoBehaviours with simple but powerfull [Attributes]The Hierarchy-based Dependency Injection tool.
Intuitivly manage dependencies of your MonoBehaviours with simple but powerfull [Attributes]:
[Component] - automatically finds the most likely component and injects the marked field with it.
[GlobalComponent] - finds the singleton or traverses scene GameObjects looking for the component of the marked field type.
[ChildComponent] - finds the component in children (descendants).
[ParentComponent] - finds the component in parents (predecessors).
[SiblingComponent] - finds the component in siblings.
[FamilyComponent] - searches for the component starting from parent down along the hierarchy.
[FamilyComponent(true)] - find the component in own tree (form root down along the hierarchy).
[OwnComponent] - looks for the component only in itself (own GameObject).
[ReferenceComponent] - looks for the component in GameObjects marked [ReferencePoint].
[Child(name/index)] - Finds the GameObject by name in children (descendants) or gets one by index.
[Parent(name/index)] - Finds the GameObject by name in parents (predecessors) or gets one by index.
[Sibling(name/index)] - Finds the GameObject by name in siblings or gets one by index.
[Reference(name)] - Finds closest in the hierarchy GameObject by name.
[Root] - Gets own root GameObject or finds one by name if specified.
Named parameters:
> string Of - Name of a GameObject to find and apply the attribute's algorythm to. If there are multiple GameObjects with the same name, it finds the closest one in the hierarchy.
> int Offset - Offset in hierarchy from "Of" GameObject.
> bool Optional - If false, new component/gameobject is created when it's not found; otherwise just warning is displayed and dependency is not injected.
> bool SkipItself - If true, own GameObject is skiped; otherwise included in search for the component.
It works with multiple scenes loaded and DDOL objects.
It also provides MonoBehaviourSingleton allowing you to access the script from anywhere like this: SoundManager.Instance; or [GlobalComponent] SoundManager soundManager;