This plugin provides the ability to integrate a friends system into your project. Firebase is used as backend. The plugin allows you to integrate your friends system into your project without writing code. But it also has a powerful API to expand your logic. No memory leak, all data stored on firebase database, optimize, work on mobile platform(IOS/Android), PC (Windows Standalone). Already contain registration system, but also you can connect you auth system.
Here are the main features:
Friends features:
- Easy setup. Few clicks solution
- Friends list. Messages/chat list
- Friend request. Cancel, accept invitation. Force add to friends mode
- Private chat. Messanger.
- Badge counter. Count of unread messages. Count of not accepted friends
- Cache users avatar
- All data stored on firebase database
- Search friends by name, nickname, phone
Ingame notification when user send message or add to friends
- Online status controller. See if the user is online and when was the last time
- Support native emoji
- Powerful API. to expand your logic
- Full C# source code is included
- Fully С# documented
- Works on Android/IOS/Windows (Standalone)
Registration/Login system:
- Registration/Login system with email/password
- Email verification
- Restore password
- Save user Credentials
- User profile (Set profile image from camera/gallery)
- Add/update full name, last name, first name, nickname, phone and other.
- Ability to add your custom user data
- Event System. Subscribe to OnLoginComplete, OnRegistrationComplete, OnLogout, OnUserDataGetted and other. See documentation.
- Quality control of upload image
Setup Project
Setup Example Scenes
Setup Custom Scenes
Intergrate Custom Auth System
Setup Single(One) Scene
API Documentation
if you have any questions, please contact us assets@uni-bit.com
This asset uses SimpleFileBrowser under the MIT license and NativeCamera under the MIT license and NativeGallery under the MIT license; see ThirdPartyNotices.txt file in package for details.
- Work with Unity 2018.3.3 and higher
- Required Firebase SDK