This Sound Pack is part of the General Ambience Series by Systematic Sound. Coastal 01 features the sound of natural coastal landscapes with cliffs & sandy beaches, as well as traditional fishing villages with small ports and industrial harbors. On some days you could hear the wind howling and the flagpoles of the boats rattling in the wind. On other days the waves where splashing with a sharp hiss against the shore. You will find close up positions with all the details and far positions, where you can hear a deep rumble of the distant surf. The sounds of coastal village life feature anything from calm squares to busy streets with lost of pedestrian activity, traffic and seagulls screaming in the background. The sounds of the ports and harbors had a more industrial tone with deep roaring boar engines and industrial din from running machinery.
Due to file size limitations on the Unity asset store, all files had to be delivered in 24bit/48kHz. All files feature cross-platform compatible and precise Metadata embedded with Soundminer. The Metadata sheets are included as tab stop separated text, .xls and .numbers format.
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