“GetAssetPreview in UnityEngine” will provide you a method to create previews for your GameObjects in-game.
GetAssetPreview is optimized for most platforms.
Clean, simple and easy to understand, this asset contains a README file and a documentation API where you can find the most important aspects of this asset.
Main contents:
⮚ Several models used as an exaple.
⮚ Custom inspector and tooltips.
⮚ A Rainbow shader for testing.
⮚ Several utilities like the marquee text (that you can use on other projects), a rotation system (that can be previewed).
⮚ A progress bar (useful to understand how async loading works).
Main features:
⮚ Supports any prefab.
⮚ Supports transparent textures.
⮚ Supports multiple objects batching (preview as much assets as you need at once!)
⮚ Supports modding (you can override the default “AssetPreviewer class” to get custom effects).
Relevant links:
Team Website
Team YouTube Channel
Support (open your tickets here)
Forum Topic
It doesn’t have a Demo for security reasons, we apologize.
We hope you enjoy it!
Best regards.
~~ United Teamwork Association ~~