RPG/FPS Game Assets for PC/Mobile (Industrial Set v1.0)
Dmitrii Kutsenko
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Hi everyone, my name is Kutcenko Dmitry i am 3d artist and game developer about 14 years
I started develop this pack assets for help indie game developers, and everyone who loves to create FPS or RPG games for mobile or PC platform, and appreciates the quality of content
Features of this pack, very low polygons count, and optimized geometry
All prefabs have the correct orientation
Position/rotation - Set to 0
Scale of all prefabs - Set to 1
6 variation of containers
3 variation of barrels
4 variation of wooden boxes
1 Showcase scene
For best batching, bake all textures in one atlas
If you have any wishes and suggestions, please leave a comment, for improve the quality of content
Do not forget to bake lightmap
Use and Enjoy :)