This asset is a camera script with third person perspective capabilities and a dynamically controlled Lock on mode designed for action oriented third person games.
The third person mode is an orbit like camera defined by its distance and angle from its look target.
The lock on mode distance and angle is calculated dynamically using the set values and the positions of the player character and the lock on target in order to keep both subjects in frame when possible.
Read the Documentation
Check out the Publisher Website
• Supports mouse and controller input
• Switch targets when in lock on
• Drag and drop script
• Camera collision adapts to camera size
• Tons of inspector variables for customization
• C# public property variables
• Adapts to target and player movements
• Option to not jump with the character
• Different algorithms for choosing target
• Fade/make transparent pillars and other small items that don't collide with the camera
• Limit Up and down movement and optionally reset movement back to an allowed interval
• Auto adapts to window resizing during play
• Can be accessed and controlled by custom scripts
• C# code fully available
• All features documented
Demo scene included.
If you have any issues, questions or bugs to report, suggestions, feature requests don’t hesitate to contact me via email: