Fully scripted Arrows.
The arrows are flying a calculated parabola with customization options like arc-hight, flight-speed, inaccuracy(spread) and many more!
The arrows will stick in any Collider.
Arrows are not moved by force but fly along a pre-calculated parabola. This guarantees them to hit the target (with no inaccuracy and when the path is not obstructed).
Each single Arrow is completely indipendet.
Single-Arrow-Shots are supported and even the primary goal of this script.
❄ Fully commented code
❄ Many configuration options
❄ 3D-Model included
❄ LOD integration
❄ Paste-ready prefabs
❄ Example Scene
❄ Arrow trails
❄ Supports very high arrow flight speed
❄ Suitable for RTS / Topdown
❄ Framerate-independent collisions
❄ Arrows move with the object* they are stuck in
Tested in versions 2019.2.4 - 2019.3.10 in Unity's built-in render pipeline. Upgradable to URP.
If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement feel free to e-mail me at:
*Arrows cannot move with non-uniform scaled & non-uniform rotated objects. More info about this in the documentation.